Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

As market conditions change, our merchants at times are unable to move their weekly volume. This enables us to give our customers who choose to trust our unique "Buy Now" button, the best market price for their goods with a possible discount based on supply and demand!
Once you have clicked 'Confirm Order', the processing of your order commences and you cannot make any online changes to the order. Our system and warehouse are designed to fill and despatch orders as quickly as possible.
Log into the email account supplied at the time of placing an order and you will see an email from Haggle Shopping titled 'Order Confirmation'. This email will let you know that we have received your order and that is being prepared for dispatch, and will contain the date of your order, garments purchased and order number for your reference. Please note this email may take 5 minutes to reach your inbox.
Protecting your personal and order information is a priority at Haggle Shopping. We want you to be able to order from Haggle Shopping with total confidence. Our ECommerce system uses a secure transaction environment. We use the latest Secure Sockets Technology (SSL) available to ensure your information is safe and secure at all times. SSL is an industry standard which is used by all the major eCommerce sites on the Internet. It works by encrypting the details which you enter on our website, preventing the information being intercepted by an unauthorised party. We do not store any payment details in our database.
If you are having trouble adding items to your shopping cart, your web browser probably has "cookies" disabled. What's a cookie? Sounds delicious, we know. It's not a baked good, it's a small file stored on your computer that keeps track of what you're doing on our website, i.e. what items you have bought before and what you have in your shopping bag. Modify your cookie settings in your web browser to enable online orders.
Yes. At Haggle Shopping we take your privacy seriously. For more information please see the Haggle Shopping Privacy Policy. We store any information you give us securely and we use high-level SSL encryption technology which is the most advanced security software currently available for online transactions.
Please check our map to see if you qualify for free delivery by clicking here.
If you live outside the delivery area, please contact us and we will provide you with a cost for delivery.
Haggle Shopping will endeavour to get your purchased goods to you as quickly as possible. If the item is in stock we will deliver within 48 Hours to the Sydney metropolitan area. If we do not have the item in stock this may take up to 10 working days. We will keep you informed of when the item reaches our warehouse and will contact you to arrange a delivery time.
Haggle Shopping accepts PAYPAL for all transactions. Payments must be received and cleared before dispatch of goods.
If you would like to purchase goods which are not in stock, we will endeavour to provide them for you as quickly as possible from the supplier. If we are unable to source the product, we will refund your money or offer you an equivalent brand/model.
You can purchase an extended Warranty from Haggle Shopping, please click here for details.
Haggle Shopping will replace the item if it deemed faulty by the manufacturer.
Yes all prices on the Haggle Shopping website include GST.
You may return your purchase provided the product has not been used. This will attract a 20% restocking fee plus pick up fees if required.
Yes you can request products from Haggle Shopping if they are not listed on our website. We will endeavour to supply them to you and give you the best possible price.

Contact Us

This is the best way to contact us.

We will do our best to respond within 24 hours of your submission.